1.He sounded as if he was being a little ironic, but maybe it was being just the tone of voice and the choice of words.
2.In common conversation he seems to have no choice of words; he hesitates and blunders; and yet, good God! How he writes!
3.But even if he supported some of right-wing America's attacks on "liberals" , he would certainly have objected to its choice of words.
4.Golden lines occasionally sparked underneath it like archaically patterned circuitry, as if to accentuate his choice of words.
5.You might think you are being objective but you could unwittingly sway the reader with your choice of words.
6.Choice of words very often implies a subjective judgement, as the Guardian's own style guide, on the word terrorists, points out.
7.Therefore sexual politics would be hidden in translation, which realized in choice of words by means of four types.
8.President Sun is very precise in his choice of words when he says that "certain members" of his party worshipped force too much.
9.He went on at some length and I was impressed by his thoughtful choice of words in Chinese.
10.The former prime minister's choice of words was more colourful than most but the sentiment was widely shared.